About Admiral
We are inspired every day by the focus and effort all our teams and their coaches put in to being the best soccer players they can be. It's the constant practice and coaching that makes the youngest players of today the potential Pro's of the future. Whether in recreational teams with volunteer coaches or professional teams, you need to be ready to play in a kit that makes you look sharp, feel sharp and play sharp.
Our Brand and its heritage are legendary; We were the first sportswear brand in soccer, the first brand to copyright its designs, the first to put a logo on the outside of a jersey, the first to create a replica market, the first to sponsor the England team. We've been worn by Manchester United, Tottenham, West Ham, England, New York Cosmos, Tampa Bay Rowdies and many others. The world's best players have trusted Admiral to perform as well as they do from Pele, to Beckenbauer, Moore and Keegan. Admiral's history like the players who have worn it is legendary.
Owning our factory locally allows us to make uniform's to order. This means you don't have to order from a fixed catalog with set styles months in advance. Our made to order kits come in many styles, color options, children's and women's fit, with custom logos in any quantity. There's no delays in shipping or issues when it comes to short run replacements.
Recreational teams can buy market leading kit packages & professional teams can buy fully customized uniforms at a highly competitive price.